My Electric Journey:
1.5 Years Behind the Wheel
I have been driving electric for 1.5 years now. Even after this time, I am not completely convinced. But I have “gotten used to” it.
My vehicle does not yet have the best possible charging capacity, which is why I have still avoided long-distance trips. But for everything that can be done within a battery range of around 300-350km, the car is really fun.
I don’t even miss the sound of a nice engine anymore. The even acceleration of the over 300hp electric drive makes driving very pleasant.
And let’s be honest: In the foreseeable future there will be no alternative if you want to do without a combustion engine. For this reason, we are now even investing in a wall box.
Of course, I remain absolutely skeptical about how we in Germany intend to meet the increasing demand for electricity. However, a solution can at least be found here.
The videos of the Elektrotrucker, who reports on the progress and experiences in truck traffic, also contribute to my increasing optimism. And since I also have a truck driving license, I would also find the driving experience with an electric truck very exciting.
In combination with advanced software, we can certainly handle higher traffic. Not only due to safety-relevant systems, but also autonomous driving. At some point in the future, my electric car will certainly be able to charge itself while I go shopping. By dropping me off at the entrance and looking for a free charging point itself. A very exciting future, also from a technology perspective.