The Franconian
Coder Studio

Stop Chasing Hype:

Stop Chasing Hype:
Stick to What Works

Feeling overwhelmed by the constant flood of new tools and frameworks? I explore why sticking to proven solutions and avoiding hype can lead to more successful and stable outcomes.

Are you having trouble choosing the right tool? Do you think you have put together the right programming language, the best framework and the most clever infrastructure? And then suddenly you read an article, see a YouTube video or are told: “You have to immediately implement everything in this new way. Otherwise it won’t work.”

Just let it be! Don’t chase every hype that’s thrown around you. This hasn’t gone well in the JavaScript environment, especially in recent years. Where every day there were 100 new libraries to choose from for a topic.

There’s nothing wrong with solving something the way you’re used to. What you have experience with and will be successful with. A solution that has been proven to work.

Of course you should develop further. Be up to date with the latest technology. Know what’s going on and try out all sorts of things. Just to be able to assess it.

But if you’re constantly chasing current trends, you won’t get past the idea.

#software development#hype#tools#frameworks#stability#proven solutions#technology trends