The Franconian
Coder Studio

The Web as the Ultimate Platform

The Web as the Ultimate Platform
for Modern UIs

From static websites in the 90s to today’s powerful web applications, the web has become the ultimate platform for UI development. I explore how modern web standards and tools like Lit are shaping the future of interfaces.

I started web development in the mid-90s. It is no longer possible to imagine what that meant by today’s standards. And it’s incredible what an insanely universal environment the web has become. For me the ultimate platform for developing UIs.

What once began as static websites - with a bit of JS for dynamic aspects - is now an environment that can easily compete with native solutions. I am deliberately only referring to the UI here. Because requirements for the calculating part, or connections to peripherals, etc., can be diverse.

However, in the area of representation, other solutions do it very similarly. There is no THE native solution here. No matter whether WPF, Flutter, Compose Multiplatform, and certainly many others, draw the UI on a blank canvas. The Apple world actually seems to me to be the most native, where by definition there is actually only one clean solution.

Now it is time to use the advanced modern web standards. Even though I’m still a big fan of Vue, Lit is now a constant companion. Many exciting new findings in this area will follow.

There are many ways to create an application with web UI. Each one is worth considering.

#web development#ui design#lit#vue#modern web standards#pwa#electron#tauri#wails